Disappeared MX
The forced disappearance of people in Mexico is a huge problem, it already exceeded 73,000.
In Mexico seven people disappear every day. In the last decade there were more than 25 thousand. Experts agree that organized crime and human trafficking are responsible.
Through various colored fingerprints I intend to give personality to the disappeared people in my country, children, young women, men and women.
With the hashtag #DISAPPEAREDMX I try to draw attention to this unsustainable situation, far from being solved or diminished, this crime continues to increase.
The Mexican government needs to make a much greater effort to stop this violation of the Human Rights of Mexican citizens.
As a professional photographer and visual artist, but above all as a citizen, I cannot remain silent in the face of this terrible situation.
For me, creating this poster is a small grain of sand, which I hope will serve to show my solidarity with the victims of enforced disappearance and their families.
Communication must serve the interest of the people.